Monday 16 December 2013

Props and Costumes:


Promotional Methods:

Masthead Designs:

Here are a few selection of fotns that i have chosen for my music magazine. All have been downlaoded from the fairthful website 'Dafont'. all are based around a chunky, dark apperance as sutied to the typcial rock based genre of which ym music magazine is based around.

Monday 9 December 2013

Thoughts and Feelings: Photo-Shoot Prep:

Through this week I have been preparing for for my photo shoot, which has been planned to take place some time this week. However, through this week I have been shopping for necessary props that are possible to play a feature during my photo-shoot. some of these include:

* A guitar: help to challenge a talent that my singer ('Charlie Chalk') will have. this will appeal to the reader, as they will be aware of the talent that my rock artist now posses through the use of being able to play a musical instrument.

*A microphone: this will act as a simple classic symbol of music, and hopefully I plan to use this prop in a way so that the microphone almost three-dimensional. this will suggest my magazines passion for rock music, and how my magazine wishes to share and interact this joy with fellow readers.

Costume is important to think about, here are some of the posisbilites to consider for 'Charlie Chalk':

*leather jacket: a classic stereotypical outfit that will immediately signify my genre of music. the jacket would also help to personify Chalk, as a rough, tough, young rock-obsessed ''lad'.