Tuesday 15 October 2013

Thoughts and Feelings: Browsing:

Throughout the week I have been visititng Shops and News Agents, of which I haver been undercover as a secret agent for A-level media, as I have been voyaging the highstreet seing pricesly how magazines are seen throguh the perspective of a typical buyer and how one might be more noticable than the other.

This will also give me a first-hand exsperience as to what may stand out and attract tghe average buyer of magazien products. hopfully I will notify this and apply these aspects to my own product.

Existing Names/Mastheads for Music Magazines:

Monday 14 October 2013

My Music Magazine: Possible Names:

Enjoy, as in this video I will discuss my ideas for the possible names for my Rock Magazine.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Music Magaznes: key Concepts:

The Codes and Conventons:

There are many thing sof which we, as readers of magazines, expect from a magazine, the basics being as followed;
~ Front Cover
~ Contents Page
~ Double-page Spread
~ Feature article

Friday 4 October 2013

Thoughts and Feelings: Exploring Magazine Style:

Throughout this week, a many number of things have been happening:

The main news on this week is that someone has commented on my blog, and was kind enought to assess my work as well as give me tips on how to improve my magazine:

The commenter has said that I have included a gernrous ammount of detail (of which I intended). He also goes on to suspect of me that I have misjudged the target audience, when concernign physical interactions such a scomeptions from within the magazine itself; the example beign was the competition of finding a qoute from a song in a magazine and entering your name and details with the correct answer of that particular rock artist whom sang the song). the commentor pointe dout the fact that one could simply google the answer and send in there answer. yet I would like to point out the obvious by stating that this is inevitable for nay competition; it being impossible to stop anyone from cheating, yet either way people would still have to send in there answer, creating a means of free publicity by Sharing the results on social media websites such as Facebook or twitter, Publicising my actual magazine through the form of word-of-mouth as well as informing friends and family on their luck of the competition.

Also, this week I have been thinking much about my actual photo shoot for my magazine. I am certain that the shots will consist of both indoors as well as outside. Yet I have collected a very rough outline of the possible themes of the outside shots. Yet also this can also be seen as a basic form of mood board: